
Why Study Biology at W&L?
Our teaching philosophy is founded on a belief in the value of a personal educational experience, achieved through small classes and laboratories and opportunities for independent study and research. Faculty embrace the teacher-scholar model and pursue varied research interests with student collaborators.
Biology majors receive a broad education in the biosciences.The curriculum promotes effective scientific communication, the understanding and use of the scientific method, the understanding of the major concepts in biology, the use of the tools and techniques of science, an understanding of the scientific literature and the importance of quantitative techniques. Studying biology at W&L includes hands-on experience, including independent research experience and lab and/or fieldwork, often incorporating original research projects. Graduates are competitive for entry to graduate programs, medical and other professional programs, and employment in all sectors of research, development and commerce.
Student Research
As well as directed-individual study, directed-individual research and honors theses projects, students have the opportunity to work side by side with faculty in the Summer Research Scholars program. Many of our students travel nationally and internationally over the summer to participate in internships encompassing a variety of projects, or to present their research at national society meetings.
Off-Campus Programs
In addition to our in-house curriculum, students can take advantage of the Marine Science Educational Consortium with the Duke University Marine Biology Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina.
"I chose to be a biology major because I am a pre-med student and have always enjoyed learning about science. Once I completed biology research at W&L the summer following my freshman year, I knew that I wanted to major in biology."
Sample Courses
Genetic Engineering & Society
In this course, we explore the nuts and bolts of genetic engineering and a small sampling of its applications, including developing drugs and vaccinations, enhancing crops, testing for genetic diseases, and genetic testing in the courtroom. These applications introduce ethical considerations for us to debate. In addition, we use molecular-biology tools to carry out our own genetic engineering projects with spider silk genes, which have potential for multiple medical and industrial applications.
Vertebrate Endocrinology
This course provides an introduction to the scientific study of the endocrine system, including exploration of chemoregulatory mechanisms in vertebrates and examination of biochemical, cellular and physiological aspects of hormone action. In-class exercises focus on developing written and verbal scientific communication skills, as well as in-depth analysis of primary literature.
Field Ornithology
This course integrates studies of bird biology with field observation and identification of local bird species. Topics covered include anatomy, taxonomy, reproduction, vocalization, migration, ecology and evolution. Field trips to a variety of areas throughout Virginia emphasize identification skills and basic field research techniques.
This laboratory course is an introduction to the field of forensic science with a focus on the physical, chemical and biological basis of crime scene evidence. A particular emphasis is on the analysis of trace physical (e.g., glass, soil, fiber, ballistics) and biological (e.g., hair, blood, DNA) evidence and forensic toxicology (e.g., drugs, alcohol, poisons).
Yellowstone Ecology
An intensive investigation of scientific thought and communication, examined in the context of major concepts such as ecology, physiology, population dynamics and biochemistry. From cells to satellite data and bacteria and bears, this course investigates multiple biological levels of organization using the world's first national park as a case study.
A broadly based course in the study of microorganisms, specifically prokaryotic cells, microbial diversity and the effects of microbes in the world, in society and in the bodies of animals and plants. It concerns the central role of microbiology as a basic biological science that enhances our understanding of the biology of higher organisms.
Meet the Faculty
At W&L, students enjoy small classes and close relationships with professors who educate and nurture.

More to Explore
Duke Marine Lab Consortium
Washington and Lee is a member of the Duke Marine Lab consortium, allowing our students to study Marine Biology at the lab either fall or winter semester during the academic year. Credits from Duke Marine Lab biology courses can be counted towards the W&L Biology major, and credits from Marine Lab environmental studies courses will usually transfer as W&L environmental studies courses. In general, W&L financial aid can be applied directly towards Duke Marine Lab tuition.
St. Andrews Program
Washington and Lee University and the University of St. Andrews have joined in a partnership, providing a quality study abroad experience for students in the sciences and students interested in the health professions. As part of this program, participating students may enroll for specific science classes which will receive credit and a grade on a W&L transcript; additionally, premed students may elect to take part in a special premedical seminar, which includes site visits to area hospitals and clinics, offered by a member of the St. Andrews Medical faculty.
Health Professions Program
Competition for acceptance to health professional graduate schools is fierce, so take every opportunity to enhance your chances. We provide the best advice and information available to help you make choices during your undergraduate career.
Biological Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.