Business Administration

Why Study Business Administration at W&L?
Business at W&L engages students in the multiple aspects of business administration and how it relates to the broader social and cultural aspects of society and the world.
Typical areas of interest are in the financial industry (such as banking, investments, Wall Street and real estate development), marketing (advertising and branding), entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability and business consulting. Business Administration students engage in case studies focusing on many aspects of business (finance, marketing, organizational behavior, leadership, strategic management, law and ethics). They have the opportunity to critically analyze real companies in current situations and make recommendations.
Related Programs
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The Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability integrates thought and action in direct service to disadvantaged communities. Through an array of courses and service opportunities, the program prepares students from a variety of majors and political perspectives to work with those communities to address the problems associated with poverty.
The Roger Mudd Center for Ethics advances dialogue, teaching and research about issues of public and professional ethics across all three of the university's schools - the College, the Williams School, and the School of Law. It was established in 2010 through a gift to the university from award-winning journalist Roger Mudd '50.
The Environmental Studies Program is designed to educate students in a broad class of issues related to the environment and humanity's place in the natural world.
"The professors really challenge your critical thinking skills besides the technical skills, which is great exercise for any job out of college. Most of the problems in business administration do not have right answers, and I enjoy the process of analyzing the problems, finding the best solutions and supporting my decisions with evidence."
Sample Courses
The Business of Entertainment
Entertainment franchises are big business that pervade our consumer culture. This course challenges students to evaluate the various practices used to "frame" such creative entertainment franchise properties. Students study a variety of global franchises, such as Peanuts, Star Wars or Disney lines, analyzing key issues involved in creative product development. These issues include framing, fidelity and audience management, as well as practical processes like the role of development gatekeepers and product licensing structures. The course includes a one-week trip to Los Angeles to meet with entertainment industry executives at studio and key franchise locations.
Real Estate Development
Studying the development of commercial real estate, the course covers a range of topics from the idea stage until the property is eventually sold after completion. Although much of the course is qualitative in nature, students also learn how to create simple financial models to analyze properties. In addition, students study in some depth the real estate crisis that began in late 2007. Through exploration of case studies and interaction with practitioners (guest speakers), emphasis is placed on application rather than theory.
Technology & Entrepreneurship
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of process through which technological inventions are transformed into innovations. Key works from scholars in the field will guide class discussions on understanding why managing innovation is complex, cross-functional, and a historically dependent endeavor. By the end of the class, students will have an appreciation for the entrepreneurial mindset, key actors in the start-up process, and the means through which technology is commercialized. In addition to these discussions, students will travel to Silicon Valley to not only meet individuals who are a part of the recent start-up/technology scene, but also visit key locations that capture the history and context of innovation in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Integrated Marketing Communications
Nature and contributions of the elements of marketing communications (e.g., advertising, sales promotions, the Web) in creating brand equity and stimulating demand. A project-oriented course with an emphasis on the strategic application of concepts resulting in an integrated communication plan for products and/or services. Course has a complementary lab component to teach technical skills and reinforce concepts via practicum.
Layered Berlin
A four-week course taught abroad that offers students a true immersion in German language, culture and business environment. In order to give students a complete understanding of contemporary Germany, we integrate a literary-historical analysis of the country's rich history from 1848 to the present day with an introduction to German social and economic systems that focuses on stakeholder-centric business and sustainability principles. Through an exciting mix of literary fiction, historical readings and cases, and film screenings, along with corporate and cultural site visits, students gain an understanding of the interdependence between "big C" Culture and business culture.
Economic Globalization & Multinational Corporations
This course focuses on the historical and present effects and issues of economic globalization, and the role of multinational corporations in a global economy. Topics covered may include: production, supply chain, technology, trade, finance, natural environment, labor, development, poverty and inequality, privatization of utilities, immigration and state sovereignty. Emphasis is on understanding the costs and benefits of economic globalization and the role business plays in contributing to these outcomes.

Meet Our Faculty
At W&L, students enjoy small classes and close relationships with professors who educate and nurture.