
Why Study Politics at W&L?
At W&L, the study of politics is a good combination of theory and practice. Our proximity to D.C. is a plus. We are close enough for students to benefit from study in the nation’s capital, but far enough away to be one step removed from the day-to-day D.C. experience. W&L offers a liberal arts approach to the study of politics. It’s interdisciplinary. Our department stresses the close reading of texts. We enable students to think seriously about the most important questions regarding being a member of a community and how we relate to other nations. Instruction is not focused on lectures, but on a question-and-answer approach between students and faculty that is highly interactive. We offer small classes, and faculty have an open-door policy and are highly interested in their students’ success in the classroom and in the world beyond W&L.
About Our Department
The Department of Politics at Washington and Lee University teaches students to be informed and active citizens of a free society, able to think about politics with rigor and nuance. We offer a wide array of courses in American government, political philosophy, global politics, and statistics and methods. We encourage students to pursue their education in an interdisciplinary manner and we provide opportunities to augment their study in off-campus and experiential learning programs.
Opportunities for Students
The study of politics at W&L includes opportunities to participate in our Mock Convention, publish in our Political Review, work with high school students in our Model UN program and engage in a host of community service projects.
Many have earned prestigious scholarships, such as Fulbright, Rhodes, Rotary and Watson fellowships. Some of our students go on to pursue graduate study and are now teachers of politics themselves. The major offers something for everyone. We support off-campus research and study, and conference participation. There are opportunities to study with professors during the academic year as well as the summer.
The Washington Term Program
The Washington Term Program has been in existence for three decades. It was established by Bill Connelly, the John K. Boardman Professor of Politics at W&L, and has provided more than 400 Washington and Lee students with a memorable living and learning experience in the nation's capital since 1987. Students have used the six-week Spring Term course to launch careers in every branch of government. The program includes three components: an academic course, an internship and a lecture series.
After W&L
Within the last few years, graduates of the department have gone on to a variety of opportunities, including:
Graduate Schools
- Stanford
- Bush School at Texas A&M
- U.Va.
- W&L Law
- Harvard School of Urban Planning
- Vanderbilt Law
- A.T. Kearny
- BlackRock
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Chanel
- Deustche Bank
- Epic Systems
- EY
- Fulbright
- Hearst
- JP Morgan
- Kaizen Company
- Lincoln International
- Offices of the United States Senate
- Offices of the United States
- House of Representatives
- Peace Corps
- Sands Capital
- Senate Commerce Committee’s
- Minority Office
- Suntrust
- T. Rowe Price
- Teach for America
- U.S. House Committee on
- Government Reform
- Vanguard Wealth Management
“Politics rules the world. Everything else is ordered by policy. The most important questions we face in a civil society, such as what laws should be made, are decided through politics. Politics helps humans relate to each other in an ethical fashion.”
Sample Courses
Lincoln's Statesmanship
This seminar examines the political thought and practice of Abraham Lincoln. Emphasis is on his speeches and writings, supplemented by scholarly commentary on his life and career.
Middle East Politics
This course examines contemporary politics in the Middle East and North Africa. Topics include the role of colonial legacies in state formation, the region's democratic deficit, nationalism, sectarianism and the influence of religion in politics. We explore inter- and intrastate conflict, including the use of terrorism, economic development and underdevelopment, and the recent Arab uprisings (commonly referred to as the Arab Spring). Throughout, we consider why the Middle East attracts as much attention from policymakers and scholars as it does, how analysts have studied the region across time and space, and why understanding different cultural perspectives is critical to understanding the region.
International Political Economy
An introduction to the study of international political economy, including a critical examination of globalization as a dominant trend in the 21st century. First, we explore major theoretical approaches to analyzing international political economy, such as realism, liberalism and critical theory. To apply the theory, we use The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy as a case study that represents specialization and division of labor in production, distribution and consumption of goods on a global scale. Then, we discuss key issues of globalization and international political economy, such as international economic organizations, trade relations, regionalism, multinational corporations, international development, global financial instabilities and economic crisis, U.S. economic hegemony, and the U.S.-China trade war.
Minority Rights & Gerrymandering
An introduction to the history of voting-rights discrimination in the United States with a particular focus on gerrymandering. The course begins with a study of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and how it has evolved through congressional amendments and Supreme Court decisions. We then investigate theories of minority representation and democracy. To place the theoretical aspects of the course into practical perspective, the course includes a lab component in which students learn to use redistricting software (ArcMap). We use Virginia elections and census data to produce alternative election maps of Virginia to demonstrate how we can make elections fairer and more competitive and create more opportunities for minority representation.
Politics of Film: "Mad Men"
This class uses episodes of the Emmy Award-winning television series "Mad Men" — famous for its depiction of shifting understandings of gender and race relations in the United States in the 1960s — as a basis for exploring the culture of race and gender shared/challenged by the show's 21st century audience. Supplementary reading and films will offer a framework for critique. Students create their own short screenplays to further explore how entertainment can work as social criticism.
The Maghreb
This course examines the history, culture and politics of the Maghreb, and especially the Kingdom of Morocco. After a few days in Lexington, most of the course is based in the old cities of Rabat and Fez, the latter a UNESCO world-heritage site and home to the oldest continually operating university in the world. We take field trips to the blue city of Chefchouen, the Roman ruins of Volubilis, and Africa's largest mosque in Casablanca. Throughout the course, students explore the region's political history, including the influence of imperialism and Islam on politics, gender relations in North Africa, Morocco's relationship with the United States, and more.
Meet our Faculty
At W&L, students enjoy small classes and close relationships with professors who educate and nurture.