

College is the place you’ll call home for some of the most transformational years of your life, so the people you encounter are as important as the location you choose.

At Washington and Lee, you'll find a sense of community that is immediately palpable. It’s evident in our Speaking Tradition, which encourages students and faculty to greet friends and strangers alike. It’s evident in the close relationships that develop between students and faculty, over research or over coffee. It’s evident in the bonds that develop between classmates and teammates, on Outing Club treks and during theater productions. And it’s evident in the trust and freedom created by our student-run Honor System.

Global and Diverse

W&L students are engaged citizens of a global and diverse community.


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"W&L has given me the opportunity to be part of a community of amazing people who are not only genuinely passionate about what they’re interested in, but also very genuine people who care about the community around them."

Elizabeth MugoColumbia, South Carolina