2019 State of the University
2019 State of the University
President Dudley spoke with Executive Director of Alumni Affairs Beau Dudley '74, '79L about improvements to the university's facilities, recent hires, admissions trends, new academic programs, athletics updates, alumni events and the campus master plan. Watch the full video or topical segments.
President Dudley spoke with Executive Director of Alumni Affairs Beau Dudley '74, '79L about improvements to the university's facilities, recent hires, admissions trends, new academic programs, athletics updates, alumni events and the campus master plan.
including facilities updates, the Director of Institutional History, the Director of the Center for Academic Resources and Pedagogical Excellence, and the Alumni Admissions MAZE
including Fall Convocation, W&L's partnership with the American Shakespeare Center, the Mudd Center for Ethics, new minors, and President Dudley's class on W&L's mission statement
including fall sports highlights
including recent events and alumni communications
including the election of W&L's next rector, the Campus Master Plan, and the election of our newest trustee
Mock Convention
including President Dudley's thoughts on the future of W&L