Dual Career Resources

Dual Career Resources

The Office of Human Resources provides resources to support dual career spouses and partners, and information intended to make the transition to the Washington and Lee University community as smooth as possible.

The Office of Human Resources provides individualized support to dual career spouses and partners whose employee spouse or partner is in his or her first year of full-time employment at W&L. This service is extended beyond one year as time allows. Individuals interested in dual career services should complete the dual career intake form and submit a resume or vitae to the work-life coordinator. Applicants are also encouraged to initiate conversations with department chairs or supervisors during the interview process.

Dual Career Support Services

While we cannot guarantee placement, the work-life coordinator is available to guide spouses/partners as they navigate the job search process. Support includes:

  • Information on the local employment landscape
  • Community information
  • Job search assistance
  • Information on area colleges and universities
  • Networking assistance
  • Relocation information
  • Resume and cover letter review
  • Interview tips

Mid-Atlantic Higher Education Recruitment Consortium

Washington and Lee is a founding member of the Mid-Atlantic Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC), which includes job postings from a variety of colleges, universities and research institutions including University of Virginia, Virginia Military Institute, Virginia Tech, James Madison University, Virginia community colleges and Carillion Clinic.

Adjunct Positions

Washington and Lee University maintains the highest standards in their hiring of faculty and staff to find candidates that best fit the needs of the university. There were 35 undergraduate and law classes filled by adjunct professors in the 2017-2018 academic year in the following departments: Accounting, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Law School, and Romance Languages. While a number of these positions may become available each year, there is no guarantee that a position will be offered to the spouse or partner of a university employee.

Sherry Wright

Associate Director for Workforce Development
Mailing Address: 
204 W. Washington Street
Lexington, Virginia 24450

Physical Address: 
2 S. Main Street
Lexington, Virginia 24450